The New Normal
How E R Hayes Trucking is making adjustments
Here at our company we are making sure our employees and customers are staying safe by following all mandated procedures such as wearing masks and social distancing. With all this in mind you may find yourself wonder, what is the new normal? We also wonder this but plan on just simply continuing to do what we have always done; providing great quality labor, product, and service to our customers. We will continue following all suggested safety precautions and move forward in these troubling times. Thank you all for your support.
Don Hayes
No words can be said to express what this wonderful man brought to the Hayes family. We know that he touched many people in a positive way. In this uncertain time we just want to honor his legacy and memory.
The Loving Memory of
Don Hayes
Husband, father, brother, and son
As we all search for the normal we once had, Sedgwick County begins to reopen stores and other places. As of Tuesday the 26th, most places will be reopening. This doesn't mean everything will be back to normal right away, the government is still reccomending face masks and other procedures. We have been open and working for you this whole pandemic, and we plan on continuing to do our best work going forward. Stay strong America.
With the loss of someone so near and dear to everyone in our company, we chose to power on. We will continue providing the same great quality work at fair prices that Don always wanted. Though this loss is hard and hurts us to the core, Hayes Trucking will continue on working to honor Don Hayes. He is our guardian angel, and will help us get through these hard times. We only hope Don Hayes got to touch your life in the way he did so many lives of people near him. He will never be forgotten. We love you Don.
03/12/2020: New baseball stadium in Wichita? Yup! Wichita’s new ball park won’t be just a baseball stadium, but a year-round entertainment hub that will grow the city with sports, concerts and even outdoor ice skating in the outfield, city and team officials say. The new stadium will be at the previous place of Lawrence-Dumont Stadium, which served as the city’s old ball park in 1934 to its demolition at the end of the baseball season in 2018.
We believe this just the beginning of Wichita growing! With so many new things coming it will be bad to decide what to enjoy first!
03/02/2020: One word, layoffs. As you may know, Spirit layoffs are in full force, and are effecting multiple Wichita families. Multipliers show that almost 5,800 jobs will be impacted in this market, and there will be a $220 million payroll impact from the Spirit workers alone if they’re not re-hired until 2021. Due to lost retail sales tax collections, there could be a $1.25 million fiscal impact in Wichita, $617,000 in Sedgwick County and almost $13 million in the state. Despite all this there is hope. The economy is still growing, something we did not see in the 2008 and 2009 layoffs. Keep your heads up and we will get to the end of this tunnel. Even our company has been effected, and we await the end of this dark time. Spirit being one of the biggest companies in Wichita Ks, everyone will be effected.
02/14/2020: Welcome to 2020! We are pleased that you have followed us for nearly a year of articles. While our company is over 25 years old, our website is still new and improving daily. Thank you for a great first year of E R Hayes Trucking being virtual! With a year going by, we want your input on articles you would like to see this year. Often times it can be hard to come up with new material, and we would love to hear what our readers would like to see! Summer means new jobs, which means more info, and more stories we can tell! Again, thank you everyone for following us. We will see you on twitter soon!
12/23/19: With the new year on the rise many people may be thinking about renovating land and companies beginning to expand, and while we specialize in many aspects of excavation, the average person does not. Calling before you dig is so important when taking on new home improvement plans. 811 is the number you call to protect yourself and others from unintentionally hitting underground utility lines. There are millions of miles of buried utilities beneath the surface of the earth that are vital to everyday living like water, electricity and natural gas. Such a simple step can protect you and your neighbors from spending your new year without a vital utility. It may seem like a hassle, and take extra time, but in the end it is so worth protecting your property.
08/20/19: Sharing the road with semis.
Sharing the road with big trucks can be intimidating, but following a few simple safety steps can keep your mind at ease, and your car in one peice.
Stay out of the No Zones. Large trucks and buses have huge blind spots on all four sides.
Pass Safely. Make sure you can see the driver in the vehicle mirror. If you can't see him he can't see you.
Don't Cut it Close. It's especially dangerous to “cut off” a commercial bus or truck.
Stay Back. Give enough space!
Anticipate Wide Turns. Especially right turns.
Be Patient. Trucks take a while to operate.
Buckle Up.
Stay Focused.
08/02/19: Staying safe on the road, whether in a Semi or a car
Many people drive less than safe now days. So how can you keep you and your family safe when sharing the roads with semis?
Stay focused. Driving is primarily a thinking task, and you have a lot of things to think about when you're behind the wheel: road conditions, your speed and position, observing traffic laws, signs, signals, road markings, following directions, being aware of the cars around you, checking your mirrors — the list goes on. Staying focused on driving — and only driving — is critical to safe driving.
Distractions, like talking on the phone or eating, make a driver less able to see potential problems and properly react to them. It's not just teen drivers who are at fault: People who have been driving for a while can get overconfident in their driving abilities and let their driving skills get sloppy. All drivers need to remind themselves to stay focused.
Stay alert. Being alert (not sleepy or under the influence) allows you to react quickly to potential problems — like when the driver in the car ahead slams on the brakes at the last minute. Obviously, alcohol or drugs (including prescription and over-the-counter drugs) affect a driver's reaction time and judgment. Driving while drowsy has the same effect and is one of the leading causes of crashes. So rest up before your road trip.
Watch out for the other guy. Part of staying in control is being aware of other drivers and roadway users around you (and what they may suddenly do) so you're less likely to be caught off guard. For example, if a car speeds past you on the highway but there's not much space between the car and a slow-moving truck in the same lane, it's a pretty sure bet the driver will try to pull into your lane directly in front of you. Anticipating what another driver might do and making the appropriate adjustment helps reduce your risk.
That’s all for this weeks newsletter check back next week !
07/23/19: Working in Extreme Heat, Keeping Cool
Millions of Americans sweat their way through the work week. Ask anyone from welders to truckers, road construction crews to factory workers during a hot Kansas summer: Extremely heat and humid in the working conditions are not something to mess with.
So if you're one of those getting hot at work, you should be aware of the many health problems associated with working in extreme heat. Extreme heat can lead to on-the-job accidents. It can cause less serious illnesses like heat cramps, prickly heat, and heat exhaustion. In rare cases, heat can even be deadly. Heat stroke occurs when the body's regulatory system fails and body temperature rises too high, and can cause brain damage or death.
How can I protect myself? Wear loose-fitting clothing, take frequent breaks in a cool rest area, open windows and install fans, and get plenty of fluids (a cup of water every 20 minutes or so under extremely hot conditions). Cool rags around the neck can also help. But most of all, just take care of yourself, know your body and your feelings, and when to take a break
06/24/19: Welcome to our first news letter! This article is going to focus on our company and what we are about!
E R Hayes Trucking has been operating in the Wichita Kansas and surrounding areas for over 25 years. We strive to do the best work in a timely manner. Eddie Hayes, our owner is skilled in many areas and can make sure that jobs get done correctly. In recent years we have done the building and excavating of places such as Harry Street Carpet, and many more. During the summer months is when our business picks up the most, so Eddie and the employees get super busy! Between repairing mishaps that happen to the trucks, and drawing up plans, they really have a busy few months ahead. So while most families are our vacationing the Hayes family is working hard for you!
Everyone Should- Help Stop The Spread
Wash your hands often
Avoid close contact
Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when around others
Cover coughs and sneezes
Clean and disinfecT
Follow CDC guidance.