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Truck Safety

Safety when driving around trucks



Tips for Driving Next to a Semi

  • Stay out of blind spots

    • 20 feet ahead

    • 30 feet behind

    • lane on drivers side extending back half of the trailer length

    • two lanes wide in trucks right side

    • and remember if you can not see them in the side mirrors they can’t see you

  • Always use your signal

    • using your signal gives them time to adjust and accommodate to your actions.

    • It takes them longer to stop and switch lanes so never make a sudden move around them

  • Give them space

    • always drive at least 4 seconds behind them

    • being to close causes a threat to both you and the driver

      • sudden breaking can cause the semis trailer to slide under the cab

      • high winds can cause roll overs

      • and tire blow outs can cause damage to both if it were to fly up and into your car

  • Be cautious when passing

    • Avoid passing while going up or down hill as their speed may change

    • pass on the left side as the driver can see you best on that side, also wait to merge back until you can see the driver in your review mirror

  • Avoid Distraction

    • Texting, eating, making phone calls, and many more things take your focus off the road and puts everyone in danger


When you’re behind the wheel driving is your only job.


Icy Weather Driving

  • Keep a bundle of warm clothes in car incase of emergency

  • Maintain your tires, make sure there is enough air in them

  • Keep at least a half take of fuel at all times

  • Never use cruise control on a slippery area such as ice or snow

  • Drive slow- adjust speed for lower traction

  • Accelerate and decelerate slowly- to avoid skids slow down and speed up slowly

  • Don’t stop if you can- let of the gas farther away from stops in hope of not making a full stops